Pls. Contact a registered broker. Navitas participation units are traded on TASE exchange.
This information is available in the following link:
Navitas trades on TASE under the ticker symbol: NVPT.L
12 Abba Eban Blv.
Herzliya, Israel
If you have not received your revenue statement, please email and provide your owner number and what month(s) that you are requesting. Please also enroll and/or update your contact information by completing the “eStatement & ACH Registration Form.”
eStatement & ACH Registration Form
Your owner number can be found on your Revenue Statement. The number has 6 digits and starts with a letter.
Yes. Please update and/or enroll in eStatement and direct deposit by completing and following the instructions on the “eStatement & ACH Registration Form.”
Please complete and follow the instructions on the “Change of Address Form.”
Tax forms (1099) are issued annually based on federal requirements. These forms are sent on or about January 31st of each year.